Entering / Maintaining Ride Requests

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To enter a new ride request, or to update or delete an existing request, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click Administration from the left-hand menu, and then click Operations.  The Operations fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click Rides, and then click Ride Requests.  The Ride Request Information page is displayed.
    3. Click the Program drop-down arrow and select the program for which the ride request is to be entered, updated, or deleted.
    4. To enter, update, or delete the ride request for a specific consumer, click the A-Z drop-down arrow and select the initial of that consumer's last name.  An asterisk (*) in this field will include all consumers in the selection process.
    5. Click the Census drop-down arrow and select "Current Roster."
    6. Click CONTINUE.  The Ride Request Information settings page is displayed.
    7. Click the Rider drop-down arrow and select the consumer for whom the request is to be entered, updated, or deleted.  The default value is "All Consumers."

  TIP: When entering a new request, a specific consumer must be selected here.

    1. Click the Request Status drop-down arrow and select the status of the request to be updated or deleted.  Available selections are: "Current / Pending Rides," "All Ride Requests," "Pending Requests," "Current Rides," "Disapproved Requests," and "Discontinued Rides."

  TIP: When entering a new request, this option can be left at its default value: "Current/Pending Rides."

    1. To narrow request selection by ride start date when entering or updating an existing request, make adjustments to the default Ride Start Date range as necessary.  Only those requests with ride start dates falling within this date range will be included in request selection.

  TIP: When entering a new request, this date range can be left with its default values.

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The Ride Request Information request list page is displayed.

This page contains a list of existing ride requests meeting the selection criteria specified on the previous page.

    1. To enter a new ride request, click ADD NEW.  To update or delete an existing request, click that request from the list on this page.  In both cases the Ride Request Form page is then displayed.

  TIP: The "ADD NEW" option is only available when a specific consumer was selected using the "Rider" option on the previous page.

    1. When entering or updating a ride request, enter or make changes to the information in the fields and options on this page as necessary.

  TIP: For more information on the ride request fields/options, see the Ride Request Fields / Options.

When deleting a ride request, click the Status drop-down arrow and select "DELETE REQUEST."

    1. Click SAVE.  The request is saved (or deleted if the status was set to do so) and the Ride Request Information request list page is re-displayed.

The process of entering, updating, or deleting a ride request is now complete.
