Conducting a Form Search

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The FormBuilder Search feature enables users to search for particular words or phrases within the name, sections, or fields of any form in the local database or shared forms library.  To conduct a form search, complete the following steps:

    1. Click Administration in the left-hand menu, and then click Builders & Tools.  The Builders & Tools fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click FormBuilder.  The FormBuilder Menu page is displayed.

    1. Click FormBuilder Search.  The FormBuilder Search Settings page is displayed. 

    1. In the Search Phrase field, type the keyword or phrase for which you are searching.
    2. Click the Location drop-down arrow and select the location whose forms are to be searched:  "This Site," "Shared Forms Site," or "Both Locations."  The default value is "This Site."
    3. Click the Domain drop-down arrow and select the domain type of the forms to be searched.  The default value is "All Domains." 

  NOTE: The domain is part of the general information of each form and describes the basic assessment area to which the form applies.

    1. Click the Population drop-down arrow and select the population associated with the forms to be searched.  The default value is "All Populations." 

  NOTE: The population is part of the general information of each form and describes the type of people for which the form is best suited. 

    1. Click the State drop-down arrow and select the state associated with the forms to be searched.  The default value is "All States."

  NOTE: State is part of the general information of each form and describes the state to which the form applies.

    1. Click CONTINUE.  The FormBuilder Search Results page is displayed.

    1. This page contains a list of search matches in a table with columns for the match title, match type (a form field, form section, or form), the name of the form in which the match was found, and the form location, domain, population, and state.  Click on the header for any of these columns to search by the data in that column.

  TIP: When working with search results where the location is "This Site" there are several convenient features to keep in mind:

The data in the title and form name columns for "This Site" matches is clickable.  Clicking the link in either column opens the FormBuilder Configuration tool for that form and item.  For example, if the item is a "Form Field," the FormBuilder Configuration tool is opened to the Update a Form Field page for that field.

The form names for "This Site" matches have a clickable arrow next to them.  Click an arrow to view the programs for which the corresponding form is available. 

The process of conducting a form search is now complete.