Transferred Client Record Details

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Throughout AWARDS the records of a transferred client indicate that the transfer took place in a variety of ways.  For detailed information on a specific type of record and how it is unique for transferred clients, please click that record type here.

Admission Date

Intake/Admission Records

Discharge Records

Treatment Plan Records

Progress Notes

Contacts Log Records

Group Notes

Assessments/Chart Events        

Other Records (Entitlement, Hospitalization, Medical)

  NOTE: When a client is transferred, his or her records from the transferring-out program are available as part of his or her chart record in the transferring-in program; however, the heading information on those records retain the name of whichever program they originated from. For example, any records from the transferring-out program are labeled with the name of the transferring-out program, and any records from the transferring-in program are labeled with the name of the transferring-in program.  In the case of treatment plans, the transferring-out program's name is shown at the top of plans with due dates prior to the transfer date, and the transferring-in program's name is shown at the top of plans with due dates after the transfer date.

Admission Date

A transferred client's admission date is the date on which he or she was first admitted into the initial program from which he or she was transferred.  If the client is transferred more than once, the admission date is that of the original program from which the transfer process began; for example, if the client is transferred from program A to program B, and then from program B to program C, his or her admission date is the date on which he or she was admitted to program A.

Where the program admission date is referenced in AWARDS, a transferred client's records will include the original admission date for the program in which the client started out, as well as the date on which he or she was transferred into his or her current program.  Places on which this information appears for programs that process transfers, and the changes seen for each, include the following:

  Client Search - For transfers, additional text is added to the Client Search results to indicate that an end of program stay resulted in a transfer to another program.

  Client Face Sheets - For transfers, the Intake/Admission Date field displays the date of the original admission for this length of stay, and a Transferred In field is added to display the transfer date and the program from which the client transferred.  If applicable, the Program Discharge date found on the face sheet includes text indicating that the client was transferred and to which program.

  Program Profile Report - The Admission column in program profile reports run from the Profile module is re-labeled "Admission/Transfer In" and displays both dates for transfers.

  Intake/Admission Records Search Page - In the Discharge column on the intake/admission records search results page in the Intake/Admission module, text indicates when the date shown was a transfer out, and notes which program the client was transferred to.

  Service Plans - On the Service Plan Index page, in the heading table for a program history that was a transfer, an Admission/Transfer In field displays the original admission date and transfer date.  On that same page the Discharge field for past program histories is re-labeled Transferred Out if the program history involved a transfer out for the client.  Additionally, where the admission date is typically displayed on service plan cover pages, it instead displays both the admission and transfer in dates for transferred clients.

  Demographics ReportBuilder - Transferred In Date and Transferred Out Date are added as selections on the Report Options page.  Additionally, when Admission Date is chosen as a report variable, the report results display the date of admission into the original program for a transfer record, and when Discharge Date is chosen as a variable the results display the date of discharge from the final program in the transfer history.

Intake/Admission Records

Transferred clients do not have intake/admission records for their transferring-in programs.  All intake/admission information for a transferred client is found under the program to which he or she was originally admitted.

Discharge Records

Transferred clients do not have discharge records for their transferring-out programs.  All discharge information for a transferred client will be found under the program from which he or she is finally discharged from the agency.

Treatment Plan Records

The service plan index of a transferred client in his or her transferring-in program includes, under separate program history headings, both the client's transferring-out program plans and his or her transferring-in program plans (if scheduled). 

  NOTE: Transferring-out program plans are always displayed in report mode when opened in the transferring-in program.

The manner in which plans are scheduled in the transferring-in program and included on the index is based on the due dates of the transferring-out program plans at the time of the transfer.  Specifically:

  If, at the time of transfer, there are is a plan and/or review scheduled for the client in the transferring-out program that has a due date after the transfer date, AND the plan immediately prior to it is marked as DONE and has a due date PRIOR to the transfer date, the plan with the due date that is after the transfer date is automatically scheduled in the transferring-in program. 

  TIP: Service plans scheduled in this way do not have a reviewer assigned to them.  That information must be manually entered by the transferring-in program using the Update Schedule feature accessed from the service plan index.

  NOTE: If, in the transferring-out program, there is a plan that is dated after the transfer date and marked as done, that plan is not transferred with the client or automatically scheduled in the transferring-in program.  Additionally, after the transfer that plan will no longer be accessible in the transferring-out program because its due date will no longer fall within the client's program history there.

  If, at the time of transfer, there are no plans and/or reviews scheduled for the client in the transferring-out program that have due dates after the transfer date, new plans are not automatically scheduled in the transferring-in program.  Instead, the transferring-in program staff must manually schedule the next plan/review using the Update Schedule feature accessed from the service plan index.

  If, at the time of transfer, there is a completed admission note in the transferring-out program, but no initial plans or reviews, the admission note data will NOT transfer with the client.  Only data entered in an initial plan, service plan review, or plan amendment will transfer based on those rules detailed above.

Once service plans are scheduled in the transferring-in program, under either of the two scenarios described above, their accessibility for data entry purposes is based on the following:

  If the last plan in the transferring-out program is marked as done, a snapshot of the plan data is made available for continuation in plans in the transferring-in program.

  If the last plan in the transferring-out program is not yet marked as done when the transfer is processed, the transferring-in program will not have access to the service plan data from the transferring-out program, and any scheduled transferring-in program plans are not editable.  In such cases, the transferring-out program staff must use the Update Schedule feature on the service plan index to mark the last plan as done.  At that time a snapshot of the data in that plan is made available for continuation in plans in the transferring-in program, and those plans become available for data entry.

  NOTE: As is always the case in AWARDS, plans are only available for data entry if their due dates fall within the allowed data entry window.  Plans dated far in the future will not become available until their due dates are closer.

Once the plan snapshot from the transferring-out program has been copied to the transferring-in program in either of the two scenarios described above, changes made to service plan content in the transferring-out program are not reflected in the reviews in the transferring-in program.  However, changes to the service plan schedule in the transferring-out program may impact the transferring-in program.  For example, if a plan is marked as done at the time of transfer, is later set to not done, then re-set to done, it will result in another plan snapshot being copied to the transferring-in program.  As a result, schedule changes in the transferring-out program are not recommended.

IMPORTANT! Unexpected results may also occur when a client is transferred between two programs that are of the same type but which use a different service plan format.  In such cases, the plan from the transferring-out program does not carry over correctly to the transferring-in program, resulting in bad plan data.  As a result, such transfers are not recommended.

Progress Notes

Progress notes entered for a transferred client in the transferring-out program are displayed in progress note reports run for that client in the transferring-in program as long as those notes fall within the date range entered as part of the report settings, and as long as the reports are run for the transferred client only, not "all clients."

Contacts Log Records

Contacts log records entered for a transferred client in the transferring-out program are displayed in contacts log reports run for that client in the transferring-in program as long as those contacts fall within the date range entered as part of the report settings, and as long as the reports are run for the transferred client only, not "all clients."

  NOTE: Transferring-out program contacts log records that are included in transferring-in program contacts log reports are labeled with the name of the transferring-out program.  They are not included in the report census counts.

Group Notes

Group notes entered for a transferred client in the transferring-out program are displayed in group notes reports run for the client in the transferring-in program as long as those notes fall within the date range entered as part of the report settings, and as long as the reports are run for the transferred client only, not "all clients."

  NOTE: Group notes from the transferring-out program are displayed without the usual list of group participants.

Assessments / Charting Timetable Events

Assessments and other charting timetable events scheduled in the transferring-out program after the transfer date move with the client to the transferring-in program.  Such events are included in the client's charting timetable in the transferring-in program, and if applicable, are also included in the Outcomes module Assessment Data feature.

Assessments scheduled in the transferring-out program before the transfer date are included in the client's charting timetable in the transferring-in program, with the name of the transferring-out program following the assessment name.  When one of these assessments is opened, it displays in report mode.

Other Records:  Entitlement, Hospitalization, and Medical

Entitlement records, hospitalization records, and medical records are shared on a client's record regardless of which program they are part of.  As a result, records of these types are unaffected by a transfer.