Transfers Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions regarding the Transfers feature can be a useful reference when you have your own questions about the functionality.  Click a question from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding answer, or scroll through the full list of questions and answers below.

Can a client's form data be copied automatically when he/she is transferred from one program into another using Client Transfers?

What happens to an active program status record when a client is transferred?

Why don't I see all programs I have chart access to in the program selection list?

Can a client's form data be copied automatically when he/she is transferred from one program into another using Client Transfers?

When a client is transferred using the Client Transfers feature, the most recent FormBuilder forms filled out in the client's transferring-out program can be copied to the transferring-in program.  Form data will automatically be copied in this scenario only when ALL of the following are true:

  The "Allow option to copy over pre-existing form data" option available during FormBuilder configuration is set to "Yes" - This drop-down must be set to "Yes" for the form in order for form data to be automatically copied from one program to another.

  TIP: If the source and destination programs are in different divisions (when working in a divisional database), the optional Copy Across Divisions? form setting must also be set to "Yes."

  The location is set to face sheet, as a charting event, on the Services fly-out, the Medical fly-out, or the Employment Jobs fly-out - Form data only copies over when the forms are located under the following:

- Profile
- Services - as a link on the Services-Individual fly-out
- Listed as a Charting event, available under outcomes
- Medical - as a link on the Medical fly-out
- Employment Jobs - as a link on the Jobs fly-out

  The location and form are the same for both the transferring-out program and the transferring-in program - For example, if both programs have the same assessment form located on the face sheet, data will copy over.  If that same form is located under intake in the transferring-out program and the face sheet in the transferring-in program, data will not copy over.

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What happens to an active program status record when a client is transferred?

If a client has an active program status record (one without an end date) when he/she is transferred, that record automatically receives an end date that reflects the transferring out date.

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Why don't I see all programs I have chart access to in the program selection list for transfers?

The program selection list includes only those programs you have chart access to that have a program type shared by at least one other program in AWARDS.  Among those programs, HMIS programs are excluded as the transfers functionality is not available in an HMIS setting.

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