Staff Training Fields / Options

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Below is an alphabetical list of the fields and options located on the Staff Training Event Data Entry page.  To jump directly to the information for a specific field or option, press <Ctrl+F> to access your browser's search field and enter the name of the field/option in question.

Check Topics Covered in Training Session

In the "Check Topics Covered in Training Session" portion of the page, click the checkbox next to each topic covered, or to be covered, during the training.  If the appropriate topic is not listed, type it in the Other Topic field.


If applicable, in the Co-Instructor field, type or make changes to the name of the training session co-instructor (if applicable).


In the Comments text box, type or make changes to any notes or comments regarding the training.


By default the training date is scheduled for today's date.  If necessary, type a different date in the Date field (using mm/dd/yyyy format) or select a date using the available date picker to the right of the field.

In House

Click the In House drop-down arrow and select "Yes" or "No" to indicate whether the training took, or is to take, place in house.


In the Instructor field, type or make changes to the name of the staff training session instructor.

Last Updated By

This read-only information reflects the name of the user who scheduled or last made changes to this training session.


Click the Location drop-down arrow and select the location at which the training took, or is to take, place.  To select a location not included on the list, select "Other Place," and type the location name in the Other field.

  NOTE: The locations available for selection here are those that have been configured using the System Setup module, Agency Program Information, Configure Locations feature.  For more information on configuring locations, click here.

Session Title

In the Session Title field, type or make changes to the name of the training.  Note that whatever you enter here will be used to identify the training on the staff training indexes and on the Calendar.

Staff Scheduled to Attend This Training Session and Attendance Outcome

In the "Staff scheduled to attend this Training Session" portion of the page, click the Scheduled checkbox next to each staff member who attended, or is to attend, this training.

  TIP: Some AWARDS databases are configured to show a selection list rather than a checkbox, with options for "Scheduled" and "Mandated" attendance.  If you do not see this option and are interested in having it made available, please contact the Help Desk for assistance.

  TIP: If a single program was selected on the previous page, the training attendee selections are limited to staff with chart access to that program.  If a specific program was not selected, all agency staff with AWARDS logins are available for selection.

Once the Training Status is set to "Held," an additional Attendance Outcome column is added to the staff scheduled portion of the page.  When available, click the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate outcome for each attendee (whether scheduled, mandated, or otherwise).  Selections are "Attended," "No Show," and "Excused."

Start Time and End Time

Use the Start Time and End Time drop-down selections to the right of the training date to indicate when the training began, or is to begin, and end.

Training Status

By default a training's status is set to "Planned."  If you are entering a training that already took place or was canceled, click the Training Status drop-down arrow and choose "Held" or "Canceled," respectively.

  TIP: When the Training Status is set to "Held" the page automatically refreshes to allow for the collection of Attendance Outcome information for each staff member.