Contacts Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions provide details on the most commonly asked about pieces of the Contacts feature.  Click a question from the list here to navigate directly to the corresponding answer, or scroll through the full list of questions and answers below.

Can contact information be included in the Demographics ReportBuilder?

What happens with contact information if a client is in more than one program?  Is it shared?

Where is the contact Start Date pulled from?

Why are some Contacts ReportBuilder variables missing data?

Can contact information be included in the Demographics ReportBuilder?

For comprehensive and detailed contact information, we recommend using the Contacts ReportBuilder in the Medical module rather than the Profile module's Demographics ReportBuilder; however, a limited amount of contact information is available for inclusion in the Demographics ReportBuilder when needed.  Specifically, you can choose to report on the name, preferred contact method and value, and address; however, the report data is limited to one contact for each type.  Which contact record is included for each type is determined by the following rules:

  If there are multiple contact records of a given type, and only one of those contacts is specified as the "primary contact," that primary contact is included in the report.

  If there are multiple contact records of a given type, and more than one of them is specified as a "primary contact," the primary contact that was updated most recently is included in the report.

  If there are multiple contact records of a given type, and none of those contacts is specified as a "primary contact," the contact that was updated most recently is included in the report.

  If there is only one contact of a given type, it is included in the report regardless of whether or not it has been specified as a primary contact.

For questions on which record(s) were updated most recently, the "Record Information" variables available in the Contacts ReportBuilder will enable you to see the specifics of who updated each contact record and when.

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What happens with contact information if a client is in more than one program?  Is it shared?

Yes, contact information "belongs" to the client rather than to a program.  As a result, if a client is in more than one program, staff of each program will be accessing and updating the same contact records.  Changes made by one program's staff will be reflected in the contact records when accessed by staff from the other program, and vice versa.

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Where is the contact Start Date pulled from?

A Start Date field was added to the contacts data entry page in AWARDS as of February 10th, 2015.  For contacts entered into AWARDS prior to that date, the Start Date automatically reflects either the date on which the contact was initially created, or the date on which the contact was last update (if the contact record was modified at some point after it was entered).  For contacts entered on or after February 10th, 2015, the Start Date is always the value specified by the user in the Start Date field during contact data entry.

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Why are some Contacts ReportBuilder variables missing data?

Some data was not collected as a part of contact records until the Contacts functionality was revamped in 2015 (for example, "Record Information," "Title," and "Preferred Contact Method."  As a result, any contact records entered prior to February 10, 2015 that have not been updated will not display this data on the Contacts ReportBuilder.

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