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When generating an employee report, several types of options are available for the purposes of customizing the report's contents and the way in which those contents are displayed.  These options, which are all found on the Report Options - Continued page, are categorized as:

  Filter Options

  Individual Detail Options

  Summary Table Options

To view detailed information on these ReportBuilder report options, click the option category above or scroll through the content below.

Filter Options

The ReporBuilder filter options are located at the top of the Report Options - Continued page. 

These filters enable users to adjust the scope of report contents by applying user-specified criteria to the employee characteristics chosen on the initial Report Options page.

Filters are applied to the report contents regardless of whether those contents are displayed using the individual detail report options, summary tables, or both.  For more information on individual detail and summary tables, please see the corresponding sections that follow.

To use the ReportBuilder report filters, complete the following steps:

  1. In the first filter options row, click the drop-down arrow in the left-hand column and select the employee characteristic with which the report contents are to be filtered.

The drop-down lists in this column are populated with the employee characteristics selected on the previous Report Options page.

  1. Click the corresponding drop-down arrow in the middle column and select the type of filter to be used.  Available selections are:


Not Equal to

Greater than

Greater than or Equal to

Less than

Less than or Equal to


Does not Contain

Is Blank

Is not Blank


  1. In the corresponding field to the right of the filter selection, type the filter criteria.  For example, if "Seniority" was selected as one of the characteristics to be included in the report and the report contents should contain only employees with one or more years of seniority, the filter options would be set as shown here.

In most instances AWARDS completes logic checks to ensure that the filter criteria entered are logical; however, those checks are not performed when "Between" is selected as the filter type.

Report filters are not case sensitive when entering text; however, when entering dates you should always use the format mm/dd/yyyy.

  1. To combine multiple filters to further refine the report results, click the and or or radio button.  For example, if "Age" and "Seniority" were selected as characteristics to be included in the report, and the report contents should contain only employees with an age of 21 years or older who have at least one year of seniority, the filter options would be set as shown here.

It is not possible to combine "and" and "or" filters.  As a result, the filter combination selection made in this step applies to all of the filter options set for the report.

  1. When initially setting the filter options, up to four filters can be added.  If it is necessary to add more, click the Add Additional Filter link.  Using that link, four additional filters can be added, up to a total of eight.

The process of setting the ReportBuilder filter options is now complete.

Individual Detail Options

The ReportBuilder individual detail options are located in the middle of the Report Options - Continued page.

These options enable users to adjust the way in which report contents are displayed.  Specifically, when the report content is displayed with individual detail, the report includes a column for each characteristic data field and a row for each employee record (after filters are applied, if applicable).  The total employee count is also displayed beneath the report table.

Once you choose to include individual detail in the report, you can apply sort options to control the order in which the rows of data are displayed, and field options to control the order in which the columns of data are displayed.

The individual detail report options can be used alone, or in combination with the summary table report options described under Summary Table Options.  If the individual detail report options are not used, summary table selections must be made before the report can be generated.

To use the ReportBuilder individual detail options, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Show Individual Detail check box.  The Report Options - Continued page is refreshed to display additional individual detail options.
  2. If the rows of report data should be numbered, click the With Record Numbers check box.

This check box and the other individual detail table-related options mentioned in the steps that follow are not available on the Report Options - Continued page until step 1 has been completed.

  1. To sort the rows of individual detail by one of the employee characteristics chosen on the previous page, click the Sort By drop-down arrow and select that characteristic.

The sort by drop-down lists are populated with the employee characteristics selected on the previous Report Options page.

  1. Click the corresponding Order drop-down arrow and indicate whether the sort is to be ascending ("A-Z") or descending ("Z-A").
  2. If report data should also be grouped by the variable selected in step 3, check the corresponding Grouped On check box.  When checked, any records included in the report that contain like data for this variable are displayed together, with the variable itself listed once per value and occupying the left-most column.

When this option is used, sorting the report with the column headers of the actual data tables is unavailable.

  1. To include subtotal rows of data for each "grouped on" variable, click the corresponding Footer check box.  Click the Footer Options button that is then displayed to view the Footer Options box.
  2. Click the check box next to available count and/or sum options as needed.

Count - When checked, a count of records is displayed as a footer beneath each grouped value.

Sum - Available for numeric or currency variables only.  When checked, a sum of grouped values is included.

Sum and count options can be used individually or in combination.  When all necessary selections have been made, click Close.

Selecting the "Footer" option WITHOUT specifying related count and/or sum selections results in a blank row beneath each group in the report.  This can be used to help visually separate each of the grouped on values.

  1. Repeat steps 3 through 7 as needed for a total of up to four sort by selections.

If fewer than four employee characteristics were chosen on the Report Options page, the number of available sort by options equals the number of selected characteristics.

  1. When the report contains numeric variables for which summary data would provide meaningful results, click the Show report footer check box.  Click the Report Footer Options button that is then displayed to view the Footer Options box.
  2. Click the check box next to available sum options as needed.  When checked, variables for which a sum has been included are totaled at the bottom of the report.

When all necessary selections have been made, click Close.

  1. To adjust the order of the columns of individual detail in the report contents, click a characteristic in the "Field Display Order" portion of the page to highlight it.

If more than eight employee characteristics were chosen on the Report Options page, the "Field Display Order" portion of the page is not automatically populated with the employee characteristics.  To view the characteristics list so that the order of the columns can be adjusted, click Show Ordered Field List before completing this step.

Please keep in mind that if the "Grouped On" option has been used for one or more of the "Sort By" variables, those variables are automatically displayed as the first columns in the table, regardless of what is specified here.

  1. Use the up and down arrow icons to the right of the "Field Display Order" section to move the characteristic up or down in the list, or drag and drop the characteristic to the desired position in the list.

The field display order listed from top to bottom here is reflected in the report data columns display from left to right.

  1. Repeat steps 11 and 12 as needed.

The process of setting the individual detail report options is now complete.

Summary Table Options

The ReportBuilder summary table options are located at the bottom of the Report Options - Continued page. 

These options enable users to include aggregate counts of selected employee characteristics.  They also allow for customization of how those counts are displayed, and the types of information included.

The summary table report options can be used alone, or in combination with the individual detail report options described under Individual Detail Options.  If the summary table report options are not used, individual detail selections must be made before the report can be generated.

To use the ReportBuilder summary table options, complete the following steps:

  1. To include summary data / aggregate data in the report contents for one or more employee characteristics, click the corresponding check boxes in the "Summary Tables" portion of the page, or click the Check All check box to select all characteristics. 

For example, if "US Citizen" and "Country" are selected as summary table options and the report is generated, the report contents will include a separate summary table for each, with aggregate counts of each characteristic as shown here.

The summary tables check boxes list is composed of the employee characteristics selected on the previous Report Options page; however, several characteristic data fields are not available for selection as part of a summary table, regardless of whether they were selected on the previous page.  These characteristics - such as name, date of birth, social security number, employee ID, street address, phone number, and so on - are excluded because they have values that are unique to each employee, and are unlikely to generate any meaningful summary data.

  1. To total each column and/or row in the summary table, click the Show each column's total check box and/or Show each row's total check box, respectively.

These "total" check boxes and the other summary table-related options mentioned in the steps that follow are not available on the Report Options - Continued page until one or more summary tables are chosen in step 1.

  1. To include in the summary table the percentage of clients out of the total employee count that have the data in each column or row, click the Show each column's percentage check box and/or Show each row's percentage check box, respectively.
  2. To group the summary table information by a selected characteristic, click the first Grouped By drop-down arrow and select the characteristic by which the summary table report results are to be grouped. 

For example, if a report is generated with the "US citizen" summary table option checked and with "Country" as the Grouped By selection, the report contents will appear as shown here.

Multiple value fields (noted with an asterisk) cannot be selected as the characteristic used for grouping.

The grouping options described here in steps 4, 5, and 6 are only applicable when more than one summary table is available for inclusion in the report.

  1. To group the summary table information by a second characteristic as well, click the second Grouped By drop-down arrow and select that characteristic.  When a second grouping selection is made, subgroups are created under the primary grouping level in the report contents. 

For example, if a report is generated with the "Country" summary table option checked, "US Citizen" as the primary grouping, and "Gender" as the secondary grouping, the report contents will appear as shown here.

  1. If one or both "Grouped By" selections have been made, click the Grouping Levels Display drop-down arrow and select one of the available options to indicate how the summary table fields and grouped by selections should be positioned in the summary tables:

Columns - When this option is selected, the summary table fields are rows in the summary tables, while any grouped by selections are displayed as columns across the top of the tables.

Rows - When this option is selected, the summary table fields are displayed as columns in the summary tables, while any grouped by selections are displayed as rows in the tables.  For example, if the sample report shown in step 5 is set to use "Rows" instead of "Columns," the report contents will appear as shown here.

The default value is "Columns."

This option is only applicable when one or more "Grouped By" selections have been made.

  1. To adjust the order in which the summary tables are displayed on the report, and/or to include graphs of the summary detail, click Show Summary Tables Display Order to make additional summary table-related options available on the page as shown here.

This option is only applicable when more than one summary table is available for inclusion in the report.

  1. To adjust the order of the summary tables on the report page, click a characteristic in the "Summary Tables Display Order" portion of the page to highlight it.  Drag and drop the highlighted characteristic into the desired list position, or use the up and down arrow icons to the right of the list to move the characteristic up or down.

The process of setting the summary table report options is now complete.