CDT Billing Report Rules

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The CDT Billing Report is intended to provide direct services contact data for monthly billing needs.  This includes face-to-face progress notes, group notes, group activities attendance records, reception desk hours and contacts logs that have no progress note attached to them.  For each client on the program census, this report shows the daily billable hours.  When the report is run from the first of the month, a running monthly total is also available.  

The following billing rules apply to the CDT Billing Report in AWARDS:

  TIP: Note that different billing rules exist when reports are run for date periods that precede 4/1/09, and those run with date ranges from 4/1/09 forward.

  Prior to April 1, 2009 the report allowed the user to set the maximum countable duration for the day, with a default of five hours.  As of April 1st 2009, the default is four hours.

  Prior to April 1, 2009, the report displayed the actual number of billable hours for each day (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5).  As of April 1st 2009, the daily hours display 0, 2, or 4, where anything less than 2 is 0, anything less than 4 but more than 2 is 2, and anything more than 4 is 4.  

  NOTE: 4 hours, which is a full day for billing purposes, is only displayed if there are at least 3 face-to-face services each at least 15 minutes in duration (including progress notes, contacts logs, group notes, or group activity attendance) and a total of at least 4 attendance hours.

2 hours, which is a half day for billing purposes, is only displayed if there is at least 1 face-to-face service of at least 15 minutes in duration (including progress notes, contacts logs, group notes, or group activity attendance) and a total of at least 2 attendance hours.

0 is displayed if no face-to-face services of at least 15 minutes in duration are found, even if attendance hours exist.

  As of April 1st 2009, a full day visit may be billed, rather than a pre-admission visit, when the service date is prior to the program admission date and the client has at least four hours of attendance and three services.  If these conditions are not met, it is considered a pre-admission visit and appears as such on the report.  Therefore, the report displays 4 hours if the client has 4 hours and 3 services rather than putting the X in the pre-admission column.  Otherwise, if the client has at least one 1-hour pre-admission visit, it displays the X in the pre-admission column.

  As of April 1st 2009, the program attendance duration for the CDT Billing Report does not just look at the reception desk time. First it looks at the services duration and adds the time for all the progress notes, contacts logs, group activities and group notes. Then if the "Include Hours based on Reception Desk" checkbox is checked on the CDT Billing Report Menu page, it looks at the reception desk time.

  As of April 1st 2009, any attendance time tracked via group activities with the activity type "Community Meal" and/or "Non-Medically Necessary Service" is subtracted from the total attendance time recorded under Reception Desk, and so is not included in the billable hours on this report. 

  As of April 1st 2009, any time duration tracked for services recorded in Crisis notes or Collateral notes does not count towards the duration and services needed for half and full day billing. 

  As of March 15th 2010, agencies have the ability to specify a default meal period. When set, the default meal period will also be subtracted from the program attendance duration, unless the client is recorded in a Community Meal during any of the default meal period time slot or is not active in any billable service.  If the client is active in billable services for part of the default meal period, then AWARDS will only subtract the remainder of the default meal period from the program attendance duration.

  TIP: To set the default meal period, please contact the Help Desk for assistance.

  For reports run with dates after April 1st 2009, AWARDS calculates billable program time duration by adding reception desk hours, subtracting any full or half day non-billable and separately billable hours from the reception desk hours and adding billable service time not included in the reception desk hours.  

  NOTE: Full or half day non billable hours include "Community Meal," "Non-Medically Necessary Service" entries, and any set default meal period.  Separately billable hours include crisis notes and collateral notes.

  NOTE: The CDT Billing Report also contains columns for pre-admission, collateral and crisis visits.  The crisis and collateral visits are determined by looking for crisis notes and collateral notes.