Assessment Instrument Fields / Options

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To learn more about a particular assessment instrument field or option, click that field/option on the image of the Assessment Instrument Update page.

  TIP: To review information on a specific field or option, scroll through the information below, or press <Ctrl+F> to access your browser's search feature and enter the name of the field/option in question. 


In the Category/Section field, type a name for the section of the assessment that is to follow.  If the section should not have a name and instead should be grouped with the previous section, enter "No Header" in this field. 

Up to three categories/sections can be added at a time.

  TIP: No two sections can have the same name, so if more than one "No Header" section will be added to the assessment, each must be named uniquely - "No Header 2" and "No Header 3" for example.

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Delete Instrument?

When updating an existing assessment instrument, a Delete Instrument? checkbox is available.  This option is used to delete the entire assessment instrument.  For more information, see Deleting an Assessment Instrument.

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Delete Item?

When updating an existing assessment, a Delete Item? checkbox is available next to each item.  Check off that option and click APPLY to delete the corresponding item.

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Delete Section/Category?

When updating an existing assessment, a Delete Section/Category? checkbox is available next to each section.  Check off that option and click APPLY to delete the corresponding section.

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Deployment Date

In the Deployment Date field, type the deployment date (the date on which the assessment was first available for use) for the assessment instrument (using mm/dd/yy format).

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Instrument Name

When working with existing assessment instruments the instrument name is read-only and cannot be changed.

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Item and Add Item

In the Item / Add Item fields, type or make changes to each item to be included in that category/section of the assessment.  Up to 15 items can initially be added to any given category/section.  If it is necessary to enter more than 15 items, click APPLY to save the assessment, then re-open it.

  TIP: When adding additional items, it is necessary to enter a start date (using mm/dd/yy format) for each item.

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Rating Scale

Click the Rating Scale drop-down arrow and select the rating scale to be used with the corresponding category/section of the assessment instrument.

To see what each rating scale is comprised of, click Show Scale Detail.  The Assessment Instrument Rating Scales Detail page is displayed with information on the selections in, or setup of, each rating scale option.  To return to the assessment instrument after viewing the rating scale detail, click your browser's Back button.

  NOTE: After an assessment instrument is saved for the first time, the rating scale selections become read-only and cannot be changed.

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Start Date

In the Start Date field, type the start date for the corresponding category/section (using mm/dd/yy format).

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Use for ISP Functional Assessment?

Click the Use for ISP Functional Assessment? drop-down arrow and select "Yes" or "No" to indicate whether this assessment instrument is to be used as the functional assessments in the consumer service plans located in the Services - Individual module.

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