Task Record Fields / Options

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Below is an alphabetical list of the fields and options located on the Tasks - Data Entry page.  To jump directly to the information for a specific field or option, press <Ctrl+F> to access your browser's search field and enter the name of the field/option in question.

  NOTE: A gear icon  next to a field or option in this list indicates that it is configurable.  Specifically, to request changes to the available selection list, please contact the Help Desk.

End Date

In the End Date field, type the date on which the task became inactive (using mm/dd/yyyy format) or select the date using the available date picker.  The date entered must be after the task's Start Date.


Click these fields to record or make changes to the task frequency. Specifically, in the first field, enter the number of times a day the client is to complete the task, and then from the second list choose how often; for example, 1 x per day.  Keep in mind that if "As Needed" is selected in the second drop-down, the number of times becomes irrelevant and the first drop-down is hidden, along with the "x per" notation.


In the Instruction field, type or make changes to the instructions that are relevant to the task.


In the Reason field, type or make changes to the reason the task is to be completed.

Scheduled Times

In this field, type the specific times at which the client is to complete the task (using HH:MM AM/PM format).  Press <Tab> to enter additional times. To remove a time, click the x in front of the time to be removed. 

Start Date

In the Start Date field, type the start date of the task (using mm/dd/yyyy format) or select the date using the available date picker.

Task Name

In this field, type the task name.

  TIP: The names of active tasks (those with a start date and no end date, or an end date in the future) must be unique.  Tasks with duplicate names cannot be active at the same time.
