ListBuilder Fields / Options

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Below is an alphabetical list of the fields and options located on the ListBuilder data entry page.  To jump directly to the information for a specific field or option, press <Ctrl+F> to access your browser's search field and enter the name of the field/option in question.


In this field, type or make changes to a category value for the list.  This is an optional value used for grouping purposes only; for example, if you were creating a list to be included in a PlanBuilder plan, you might make the category "Plans and Reviews" or "PlanBuilder."


In this field, type or make changes to the list description.  This information is for informational purposes only, and is only ever displayed during list configuration.


Click this drop-down arrow and select "Yes" or "No" to indicate whether this list should be made available for use in AWARDS.  The default value is "No."

List Items - Value, Code, Enabled, Order, Remove, Enable "Other" Option

To add an item to this list, configure the following fields/options, and then click Add Item:


  Value - The name of / label for the list item.  Displayed as a selection in the list. 

  Code - A code corresponding to the value.  Must be a numeric value unique to this list item.

  Enabled - Select "Yes" or "No" to indicate whether the item should be actively included in this list.

  Order - A number representing the item's order in the list.  Auto-populated but can be changed.

  Enable "Other" option - Click this check box if "Other" should be included as a list selection.

 To make changes to an existing list item, overwrite the current values in these fields, and/or make new selections as needed.  

To delete a list item, click the Remove check box to the right of that item.  When the record is saved the deletion will be applied.


In this field, type or make changes to the name of the list.  This will be the list's main identifier on the index page, as well as throughout AWARDS where ListBuilder lists are available for use.

System Code

In this field, type or make changes to the list's system code.  This is an optional, informational only value, and is only ever displayed during list configuration.

System Format

This is a read-only value that defaults to "No" for new lists.  System format lists are those created and maintained by Foothold Technology and cannot be edited.