Human Resources ReportBuilders Frequently Asked Questions

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The following frequently asked questions regarding the Human Resources module ReportBuilders feature can be a useful reference when you have your own questions about the functionality.

Are the Employee ReportBuilder report contents limited to information for active employees?

How are "Job Title Start Date" and "Job Title End Date" determined?

How are "Seniority" and "Seniority Start Date" calculated?

How is an employee's "Salary - Annual" or "Salary - Hourly" determined?

How is an employee's "Termination Date" determined?

Where does the "Current Weekly Hours" data come from?

Who can save report formats for other users?

Why aren't all selected characteristics available for summary tables?

Why do functions such as "count" not work when viewing summary table information in excel?

Why doesn't my report yield any results when I apply a date filter?

Why don't I see the "add additional filters" link?

Why is a change I made to an employee's records not immediately reflected in the report?

Why isn't individual detail or summary table sorting I do on the report page reflected in the excel version of the report?