Preparing an Import File

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Before data can be imported into AWARDS, it must be placed into an import template meeting AWARDS specifications.  It is important that this step in the import process be completed carefully; if the data is not recorded in the import template correctly, it will result in errors during the import and those records with invalid data will not be imported into AWARDS. 

To prepare the import file, complete the following steps from the AWARDS Home screen:

    1. Click Administration from the left-hand menu, and then click System Setup.  The System Setup fly-out menu is displayed.
    2. Click ImportTools.  The ImportTools menu page is displayed.
    3. Navigate to and download the import template file based on the type of data to be imported:

  Client Identifiers - Click Client Identifiers ImportTool.  The Client Identifiers ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Client Identifiers Import Template link to download the Identifiers_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Client Roster - Click Client Roster ImportTool.  The Client Roster ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Client Roster Import Template link to download the Client_Roster_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Contact Log - Click Contact Log ImportTool.  The Contact Log ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Contact Log Import Template link to download the Contact_Log_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Diagnoses - Click Diagnosis ImportTool.  The Diagnosis ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Diagnosis Import Template link to download the Diagnosis_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Employees - Click Employee ImportTool.  The Employee ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Employee import Template link to download the Employees_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Entitlements - Click Entitlements ImportTool.  The Entitlements ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Entitlements Import Template link to download the Entitlements_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Hospitals - Click Hospital ImportTool.  The Hospital ImportTool  page is displayed.  Click the Hospital Import Template link to download the Hospital_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Hospitalization Episodes - Click Hospitalization Episode ImportTool.  The Hospitalization Episode ImortTool page is displayed.  Click the Hospitalization Episode Import Template link to download the Hospitalization_Episode_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Incidents - Click Incident ImportTool.  The Incident ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Incident Import Template link to download the Incident_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Legacy Diagnoses - Click Legacy Diagnosis ImportTool.  The Legacy Diagnosis ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Legacy Diagnosis Import Template link to download the Legacy_Diagnosis_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Medications - Click Medications ImportTool.  The Medications ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Medications Import Template link to download the Medications_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Procedures - Click Procedures ImportTool.  The Procedures ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Procedures Import Template link to download the Procedures_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Program - Click Program ImportTool.  The Program ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Program Import Template ink to download the Program_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Program Status - Click Program Status ImportTool.  The Program Status ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Program Status Import Template link to download the Program_Status_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Referral Agencies - Click Referral Agencies ImportTool.  The Agency ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Agency Import Template link to download the Agency_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

  Service Referrals - Click Service Referral ImportTool.  The Service Referral ImportTool page is displayed.  Click the Service Referrals Import Template link to download the Service_Referrals_Import_Template.xlsx file to your machine.

    1. Using Microsoft Excel, open the import template spreadsheet from the location on your machine to which it was downloaded.
    2. Complete the spreadsheet with the data to be imported into AWARDS, keeping in mind the following important guidelines:

  Leave the header row of the spreadsheet with the column names in it as is; it is a required part of the import file.

  Remember to periodically save your work.  While you may change the file name when doing so, be sure to continue using the original .XLSX extension (until directed otherwise in step 8 below).

  Do NOT delete any columns from the import template, even if the corresponding data is not required or applicable to the program in question.

  Enter data carefully and thoughtfully.  Editing and cleaning up the data on the import spreadsheet is much more time-efficient than doing so after that data is imported into AWARDS.

  Click any of the ImportTools below to view the specific data variables collected in each import template, along with notes on how each should be formatted.  Those variables with a red asterisk (*) next to them in these tables are required. 

Client Identifiers

Client Roster

Contact Log





Hospitalization Episodes


Legacy Diagnoses




Program Status

Referral Agencies

Service Referrals

    1. When all data has been entered into the spreadsheet and you have confirmed that it is complete and accurate, it must be saved in a different format for import purposes.  To do so, begin by clicking Excel's Office icon in the upper-left corner of the screen (or the File menu if you are working on a Mac).

IMPORTANT! Do not complete this step until the import file is complete. Until that time, the file should be saved in its original .XLSX format.

    1. Click Save As.  The Save As dialog box is displayed.
    2. From the Save as Type selection list, choose "CSV (Comma delimited)." (If you are working on a Mac, this selection list is labeled Format and the correction selection is "Windows Comma Separated (.csv).")
    3. Set the save to location to a safe place on your computer.  
    4. Click Save.  The spreadsheet is saved and is now ready to be imported into AWARDS.

The process of preparing the import file is now complete.  For detailed instructions on the next step in the import process, see Validating and Importing Data.